Our Core Values

These gospel centered values remind us of how and why Jesus assembled His church.
As a local church Thaxton Baptist desires to do our part by obeying Jesus' great commission.
We declare Jesus as ruler of heaven and earth, we make disciples by baptizing them into
the family of God and by teaching them to keep the commandments of Jesus Christ. 

  • Bible Based

    The Christian Bible is the authority for what we know about God our Creator and how we should live.

  • God Glorifying

    We were created in God's image and likeness to display the “beauty of God's goodness and love” (His glory) to all creation. We desire to show His glory in all we do. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are three distinct persons perfectly unified in goodness and love in all they do.

  • Christ Centered

    Jesus, the Son of God, perfectly glorified the Father by doing His will as a man. The Father sent His eternal Son, Jesus, (the Savior) to live a perfect human life and to pay the price for all humanity's sin and rebellion with His death on the cross. God the Father then raised Jesus from the dead to be the (Christ) rightful ruler and judge of all creation. Believing this leads us to accept God's forgiveness, obey Jesus' commands, and  allow God to change us to be like Christ. As God changes us to be like Jesus Christ we display the beauty of God’s goodness and love to the world.


    God the Father sends His Spirit to unite all who believe Jesus Christ is the Savior and Ruler of all creation. The Spirit elevates Christ in the hearts and minds of believers reminding us of Jesus' teaching and commandments. The Spirit also aligns us to God’s will which leads to displaying God’s goodness and love. Unity with God leads to unity with all others who are also aligned with God and His plan.

  • Disciple Developing

    God's plan is to fully restore His image and likeness in humans through Christ-like unity with Him. He is actively working to create a humanity that is as good and loving as He is. God’s plan for this new humanity is for them to righteously rule with Christ over His creation forever. Jesus commands His followers to make disciples (copies of Him) by preaching the good news of Christ’s Kingdom, by teaching believers to obey His commandments, and by equipping believers for His ministry.

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