upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

For The Praise OF HIS Glory

We were created as people with a purpose, and that purpose is to live as accurate image bearers of our God's character and glory. 

The good news of God's Kingdom brought to man and fully realized through Jesus is the power of God to help us trust and obey our good, loving, Father just as Jesus did. When the good news is declared compellingly from the Scriptures and lived out by God's people, amazing things happen. People are united to God in Love, lives are changed,  people's hearts and desires are changed, families are restored, neighborhoods are renewed, and whole cities and nations can become life-giving places. 

So we will preach the good news of the Kingdom of God brought by Jesus Christ (the gospel). We will counsel with the gospel. We will celebrate the gospel in song. We will remember the gospel with bread and cup. We will learn to live in light of the gospel in every sphere of life. In Jesus Christ we are given everything we need to live our purpose forever.

What is the Gospel?

The gospel is the good news that God's kingdom has come to earth. This means God's Love & justice for all men has come. The good news is that through His kingdom He has a plan to put an end to all the evil in this world and the death it causes. 

We are invited to believe this good news and turn from our own evil. God sent Jesus, His Son, to bring His Kingdom and rule as King over all things. He sent Jesus to first live righteously and then to die in our place to pay for our evil. Through Jesus' death He defeated evil and death and then God raised Him up from the dead to rule over Heaven and Earth. 

Through His death Jesus has conquered death

and rose from the dead a victorious King.

Through Jesus' death we can be forgiven of our evil so we do not fall under God's just judgment of evil.  We now can live under Jesus as King and follow His good commandments until He returns. When Jesus returns He will judge all mankind for our good and evil and whether we accepted and knew Him as our Savior and King. If we believe this good news we will become righteous rulers with Him forever. 



    Thaxton Community center

    For information regarding rental of the

    Thaxton Community Center, please call the office at Thaxton Baptist Church at


    Monday-Friday, 9:00am-2:00pm

    or email tinawainscott@thaxtonbaptist.org